Definition 1.3.1 Let $I$ be an ideal in a commutative ring $R$. If $a\in R$, then the coset $a+I$ is the subset $$a+I=\{a+i;i\in I\}. $$ The coset $a+I$ is often called $a\bmo…
Homomorphisms allow us to compare rings. Definition 1.2.1 If $A$ and $R$ are (not necessarily commutative) rings, a (ring) homomorphism is a function $\varphi :A\to R$ such th…
Definition 1.1.1 If $R$ is a commutative ring, then a formal power series over $R$ is a sequence of elements $s_i\in R$ for all $i\ge 0$, called the coefficients of $\sigma$: …
Let's begin with commutative rings. Commutative rings are algebra structures which have good properties and close to some sets we have learned well, such as $\mathbb {R}$ and …
代数学基本定理即在域 $\mathbb C$ 中,$n$ 次多项式方程有且仅有 $n$ 个根。 ...
这里是我的抽象代数笔记。对我本人来说,使用英文记笔记是一次不小的挑战(虽然大部分都是抄书QAQ,但是也在不少地方尝试改成自己的语言,部分证明使用的是自己的方法)。这段话是在本笔记写完第一章之后写的,感觉不知不觉之间就已经记了不少笔记了,在这段时间内我的数学水平也长进了不少,对数学也有了全新的认知。总之,希望你能喜欢我的笔记(虽然没有人读)。 ...