Definition 1.9.1 A domain
- every
, neither or a unit, is a product of irreducibles; - if
where all and are irreducible, then and there is a permutation with and associates for all .
Proposition 1.9.1 Let
be an irreducible element. , assume that .For
, with .Then let
and with ’s, ’s, and ’s are irreducible. , then such that and associates.Therefore
, and is a prime ideal. -
with in which ’s and ’s are irreducible.By induction on
, we have .For inductive step, because
, ; that is and are associates.By reindexing, let
, where is a unit.Then by cancelling,we have
is irreducible, the inductive hypothesis gives (hence, ) and, after reindexing, and are associates for all .
Lemma 1.9.1
is a commutative ring and
is a ascending chain of ideals in , then is an ideal in . -
is a PID, then it has no infinite strictly ascending chain of ideals
is a PID and is neither or a unit, then is a product of irreducibles.
, with .Let
. Then .We have
. -
with . for is an ideal.
is an ideal. -
Assume that
is a ascending chain of ideals in .For
is a PID, there is with .Then we have
; that is with .Therefore
, so does . -
A divisor
of an element is called a proper divisor of if is neither a unit nor an associate of .If
is a divisor of , then ; if is a proper divisor, then , for f the inequality if not strict, then , and this force and to be associates.Call a nonzero non-unit
good, if it is a product of irreducibles; call it bad otherwise.If
is bad, it is not irreducible, and so , where and are proper divisors. But the product of good elements is good, and so at least one of the factors, say , is bad. We can get . It follows, by induction, that there exists a sequence of bad elements with each a proper divisor of , and this sequence yields a strictly ascending chain
contradicting (2).
Theorem 1.9.1 Every PID is a UFD.
Proposition 1.9.2 If
We prove first that a gcd of two elements
It is now clear that
More generally, if
is a gcd of
Proposition 1.9.3 Let
Definition 1.9.2 A polynomial
We can see that every monic polynomial is primitive. Observe that if
Lemma 1.9.2 (Gauss) If
By replacing each coefficient
But neither
Proposition 1.9.4 Let
Then there are
Proposition 1.9.5 Let
We will show
Let’s prove by induction on
By inductive suppose we have
Lemma 1.9.3 Let
There is a factorization
where and is primitive. This factorization is unique in the sense that if , where and is primitive, then there is a unit with and . -
, then and are associates in and and are associates in . -
have a factorization , where and is primitive. Then if and only if . -
. If is primitive and , where and , then .
Clearing denominators, there is
with . If is the gcd of the coefficients of , then is a primitive polynomial. If we define , then .To prove uniqueness, suppose that
, where and are primitive. Proposition 1.9.4 allows us to write in lowest terms: , where and are relatively prime elements of .The equation
holds in . Since and are relatively prime, Proposition 1.9.5 says that is a common divisor of all the coefficients of . But is primitive, and so is a unit.A similar argument shows that
is a unit. Therefore, is a unit in , call it ; we have and . -
There are two factorizations of
in :
Since the product of primitive polynomials is primitive, each of these is a factorization as in (1); the uniqueness assertion there says that is an associate of and is an associate of . -
, then it is obvious that . Conversely, if , then there is no need to clear denominators, and so , where is the gcd of the coefficients of . Thus . By uniqueness, there is a unit with . -
, we have . By uniqueness, , and are associates, and so , But , and so .
Definition 1.9.3 Let
Corollary 1.9.1 Let
where each
Theorem 1.9.1 (Gauss) If
First, let’s prove that every
, neither zero nor a unit, is a product of irreducibles by induction.The base step
is true, because is a constant, hence lies in , and hence is a product of irreducibles (for is a UFD).For the inductive step
, we have , where and is primitive.Now
is either a unit or a product of irreducibles, by the base step.If
is irreducible, we are done. Otherwise, , where neither nor is a unit.Since
is primitive, however, neither nor is a constant; therefore, each of these has degree less than .By indective hypothesis, each of
and is a product of irreducibles. Therefore, is a product of irreducibles. -
Then, let’s prove
is a UFD by Proposition 1.9.1; that is let be an irreducible, then is a prime ideal in .Let
.- Suppose that
, where are primitive and .Since
, we have . Write , where , so that in for all .Now
is primitive, so there is some with in . For is a UFD, or .Thus,
or .- Suppose that
and .
; then is an ideal in containing and .Choose
of minimal degree. If is the fraction field of , then the division algorithm in gives polynomials with
where either or . Clearing denominators, there is a constant and polynomials with
where or .Since
, there are polynomials with ; hence . Since has minimal degree in , we must have ; that is , and so . But is primitive, and , so that for Lemma 1.9.3(4).A similar argument, replacing
by , we have . Since is irreducible, we have is a unit or and are associates. If were an associate of , then contrary to out assumption that . Thus must be a unit. Therefore, .We have
, so that . Since is an irreducible, we have is primitive. By Lemma 1.9.3, we have . - Suppose that
Corollary 1.9.2 If
Corollary 1.9.3 If
Corollary 1.9.4 (Gauss’s Lemma) Let
By Lemma 1.9.3(1), the factorization
Therefore, a factorization of
Proposition 1.9.6 Let
Suppose that
It follows, because
Corollary 1.9.5 If